圓的方程 ( 位於以原點為圓心的圓上 )

2008-11-16 7:05 pm
證明 A ( -7, 9 ) 及 B ( 11, -3 ) 兩點位於以原點為圓心的圓上。

回答 (2)

2008-11-16 7:36 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Distance between A and (0,0) = sqrt[49 + 81] = sqrt130.
Distance between B and (0,0) = sqrt[121 + 9 ] = sqrt130.
So A and B are on the same circle with (0,0) as centre.
Equation is :
x^2 + y^2 = 130.
2008-11-16 7:06 pm
AB = diameter?

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