英文字典中「vi.」 和「vt.」有什麼分別???

2008-11-16 5:54 pm
在英文字典中verb 會分vi. 和 vt. ,有什麼分別?

回答 (2)

2008-11-16 6:26 pm
vi. 是 intransitive verb 的意思。中文是譯作「不及物」動詞的。
vt. 是「及物」動詞。英文是 transitive verb 吧!
2008-11-17 5:19 am
My sister broke the window.
My father cried.
We should notice that the first verb, broke, has another word after it. The second verb, cried, does not have another word after it. Generally speaking, we can say that all verbs in English can be divided into two groups--those that have a word (or words) after them and words that do not have any word after them.
This rule is simplified right now, but we will learn more later. For now, let's just focus on the simple ideas, though.
Let's look at the two different kinds of verbs.
Transitive Verbs
My sister broke the window.
In the first sentence, the word that comes after the verb, window, is the object of the verb. We say that window is the object because it receives the action of the verb. All objects of verbs receive the action of the verb.
Here are some more examples of transitive verbs with their objects:

I sold some books.
I took the bus.
I bought a radio.
When a verb has an object that receives the action of the verb, we say that the verb is transitive. Transitive verbs are more common on the TOEFL than intransitive verbs, but many students get confused about intransitive verbs.
Let's look at the other kind of verb now.
Intransitive Verbs
My father cried.
We can see in this sentence that there is no word after cried. In other words, there is no object for the word--there is no noun to receive the action of the word. Think about it--what could we say? My father cried something. Is there a noun that we could use after cried? We could probably think of one or two nouns, like tears, or even, good-bye, but normally, we do not use the verb cry with an object.
In this case we say that this verb is intransitive because it does not have an object after it.
Here are some more examples of intransitive verbs:

I slept.
I coughed.
The glass fell.


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