2008-11-15 5:56 pm
okay, im sure you all are twilight lovers and i got this question from my teacher and apparently i have to answer it. this is important cos its going to be counted to my term grade soo yah...

"Why is this story(twilight) about vampires so attractive to teens?"

so i have to write a book response for this.i need you to explain why and also describing the characters & the novel, maybe?? idk, i just have to show to my teacher that i have read the book. explain the reason why & also tell the story pleaseeeee!!! HELPPP. i need this tomorrow, this is very very urgent. haha. thx again.

回答 (4)

2008-11-15 6:08 pm
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Since I am teen obsessed with Twilight, I can answer this question very easily.

I am so attractive to Twilight because of the pure Romeo and Juliet romance going on, but with a new twist that has never happened before. Everyone wants what they can't have. And that goes on for Bella and Edward because as much as they want each other, they really can't do that because of the fact that one of them as a pure craving for the other's blood. It's a great book to read because everyone thinks how PERFECT the male vampires are (Emmett, Jasper, and Edward) because of how perfect they actually are. But that's the thing that catches me. The fact that they are so imperfect makes them so perfect in the first place. It's honestly really hard to explain, but I'm trying my best. Just the fact that you are so close to getting something that you've wanted for so long, but you can't have it because of one little reason is so amazing. But that's why I'm hooked to Twilight.
2008-11-15 6:11 pm
Twilight is really atracted to teens because we grew up thinking them as monsters, but now that they are placed in a romance novel, which everyone loves. We can't get enough of it. Vampire Kisses is another example of romance and vampires put togeather. Kids can't get enough of romance and love, but when you add something that everyone thinks of as a monster, i'm pretty sure alot of teens would never get enough of them.
2008-11-15 6:11 pm
the book is mainly about agirl named bella falling in love with a vampire, edward cullen. at first things start alittle bit iffy, but later on, they start to fall in love with each other. towards the end of the book, the cullens take bella to a baseball game. (they play when there is a thunderstorm b/c when they hit the ball its so loud.) but these other group of vampires come. one of the names is James. so they meet, and james thinks that bella is also a vampire. and appareantly, bella has this sort of scent that attract vampires. so now James finds out that she isn't a vampire, and tries to hunt her and well eat her blood. eventually, they escape James, but tthta isn't the end of it now.
i think teen are attracted to edward b/c hes every girls ddream-sacrificing himeslef to save her from a dangerous vampire, caring for her. i gguess he can sort of be mysterious in some way too

i hope i helped!!
參考: i've read twilgiht, new moon, eclipse and breaking dawn
2008-11-15 6:02 pm
Well i personally can't stand Twilight but I think part of the reason it's so popular is because it has a mr. perfect that protects his love. Another reason is friends try and get other friends to read it and the line continues.

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