Non-Jupas 報 HKU BA 的 IELTS 問題

2008-11-16 5:53 am
本人想經 Non-Jupas 報 HKU 的 BA (Chinese Stream) , 若 UE 沒有 D , 那可否由 IELTS 代替 ? 另 IELTS 最低需要多少分呢 ?

回答 (2)

2008-11-16 6:30 pm
✔ 最佳答案
不一定要 UE 有 D 成績!

以 asso/hi dip 成績報 non jupas 入 hku:
"E. Students reading an Associate Degree (AD) / a Higher Diploma (HD) in a community college of a UGC-funded institution*:

1. Grade E or above in five subjects in HKCEE including English (Syllabus B) and Chinese; and
2. At least 13 years of pre-university schooling on a full-time basis, including one year of successful study on a full-time AD / HD programme in a community college of a UGC-funded institution* which should be at least two years in duration.

Applicants who do not fulfil the requirements above must have successfully completed either a 2-year AD / HD programme or two years' study on a 3-year HD programme in order to be eligible for admission.

F. Students reading a Higher Diploma at the Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (HKIVE):

1. Grade E or above in five subjects in HKCEE including English (Syllabus B) and Chinese;
2. At least 13 years of pre-university schooling on a full-time basis, including one year of successful study on a full-time HD programme in HKIVE which should be at least two years in duration; and
3. Grade D or above in AS Use of English in HKALE or a score of 500 or better in the paper-based TOEFL (173 for computer-based, 61 for internet-based).

Applicants who do not fulfil the requirements a. and / or b. above must have successfully completed either a 2-year HD programme or two years' study on a 3-year HD programme in order to be eligible for admission. "

簡單來說只要有 hkcee 英文(課程乙) 的合格就可以了。
因為是以 asso/ hi dip 入 hku, 所以學校主要考慮的不是 a level 成績!

我有同學就是 ue 沒有D,讀了一年 space,成績好就入了 hku 啦!
英文 F 都沒問題! (另有一個同學中文不合格,讀了 space之後也入了港大)

以A Level 成績入 hku:
傳聞hku 有個袐密規定 -- 如有極好的高考成績 (1-2 個A) 即可達到 ue D 的要求.... 不過這是傳聞!

HKU 對各地的 non jupas candidates 都有不同的 requirements, including language requirements. 有興趣可以自己去看:
2008-11-16 7:44 am

如果有任何問題可以再問,msn/email: [email protected]

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