all at once, all the same等等屬於咩詞類?

2008-11-16 4:51 am
all at once, all the same等等屬於咩詞類?

回答 (3)

2008-11-16 1:08 pm
✔ 最佳答案
all at once, all the same屬phrases(片語)。
They are phrases serving an adverbial function(副詞用途的片語).

'all at once' and 'all the same' are both intensifiers(加強詞) conveying a greater or lesser emphasis to something.
For example:

When the rain fell, they left the playground all at once.--all at once 加重了left離開的動作。

Lucky or not, gamblers eventually lose money all the same.--all the same 加重了lose輸的嚴重性。
2008-11-16 7:02 am
They are called "phrases".

2008-11-16 6:27 am
屬於phrase = 片語
參考: 自己

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