讀金融既year 1學生應該去邊到exchange好? <緊急>

2008-11-16 1:48 am
我今年讀yr1 finance


如果揀荷蘭,比利時,法國,美國,英國,加拿大,澳洲,奧地利,德國,意大利,新世蘭,Sweden,Denmark, 大家會點揀??

同埋 如果 去 加拿大 奧地利 德國 荷蘭 Sweden 英國 美國 有得去一年, 咁又值唔值得呢...?

聽人講exchange 如果去足一年會好悶, 事實又係唔係咁ga?


回答 (2)

2008-11-16 8:07 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I would say USA is one of the best choice, and here's the reasons
1. you want to learn English, in USA definitely can help you, and a lot of european country don't speak english
2. Travel in USA is easy, unlike europe, you don't need to present the passport. And USA have a lot beautiful place to see.
3. USA have a lot of university offer a great finance program, if you decide to keep studying in USA, you will have a lot of choice.
4. New York is the financial city of the world, and have other great financial city such as Charlotte, NC, Chicago, IL, LA

如果 去 加拿大 奧地利 德國 荷蘭 Sweden 英國 美國 有得去一年, 咁又值唔值得呢...?
Totally worth it, the first year I came to USA, it's an eye opener, you will learn a lot and see a lot. you will realize how big this world is.

聽人講exchange 如果去足一年會好悶, 事實又係唔係咁ga?
No, in USA, if you go to school and travel, time will go by really fast. I've been in the USA for 6 years, and I still can remember the 1st day.....
參考: Myself, Graduated in USA with a Finance Degree
2008-11-16 10:31 pm
It's good to go out and look around the world. I regret that I didn't go for exchange when I study university.If so, I would leave HK earlier cos HK is not suitable for me to live in.

I would go to US or UK for finance as they are the biggest financial & capital market in the world.It would depends, say they hv southern US and London in UK. I would choose London.Say you can choose New York. Of coz, definitely NYC.

Northen Europe, like Sweden has the highest living standard in the world,i.e.. too expensive.

The financial markets of Australia,austria, Beligum,NZ, and the netherlands are not as efficient as that in HK.

For Germany & Austria, you may experience some problems in living if you can't speak German even though most young people can speak English.

For France, if you can't speak French, you can't survive.

Another question about whether it is boring is mostly depends on what you expect.You can't expect the life of foreign countries is so exciting and dynamic as HK. For example, shops close very early on weekdays and never open on Sundays (even supermarket) in England & most European countries.If you want to buy something, maybe it's not so convenient as you do in HK.But in terms of quality of life, e.g. quality of food, quality of air, it's much better than HK.Besides, people are generally more open but some people, especially those white people are very racial discriminated.It's not surprise as I have lived in Australia for 2 years and Austria for 1 month.

Anyway, it's a gd experience to meet friends & learn their culture.I am sure you will be more willing to chat as clubbing, drinking & B.S. are part of their lives.

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