Tax Comp 計錯數~~~~

2008-11-15 4:45 pm
Tax Comp 計錯數~~~~

咁應該幾時send......... 會唔會好大件事~~~~

回答 (2)

2008-11-17 4:40 pm
1. Tax Computation 唔係個普通市民會識得處理,所以唔好太自責。
2. 唔知你講嘅錯係點錯?如果係好明顯嘅就啲官會同你更正。
3. 如果唔係太明顯,咁我會建議你主動投案。
4. 就算已經評咗稅,你有錯一樣可以通知政府更改及反對。
2008-11-15 4:59 pm
Just send an amended tax computation to IRD to replace the previous one and quoting the tax file no. The IRD has still review your computation and to make a final assessment on your tax. No problem. You still has an objection right if you disagree with the assessment made by IRD.

2008-11-17 20:45:11 補充:
As soon as possible. Anyway, IRD will go through your computation just for reference. The power of assessment vetted on them.

2008-11-17 20:45:55 補充:
No. Your computation is only used for reference. The IRD has the right to require you to submit further information for coming their assessment. A difference in your computation to that of IRD's maybe due to opinion whether your claim is acceptable by IRD ...

2008-11-17 20:46:03 補充:
e.g. deductible expenses or taxable incomes or simply a wrong calculation or computation e.g. in depreciation allowance or even a subject matter on on-shore or off-shore profit..

收錄日期: 2021-04-25 20:32:04
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