[logistic物流] order cycle time 同 lead time 有咩吾同 (difference)?

2008-11-15 10:17 am
[logistic物流] order cycle time 同 lead time 有咩吾同 (difference)?

回答 (3)

2008-11-15 10:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
Lead time means time required to get everything together before production
begins. Order cycle is lead time + production time. Hope this makes sense.

Good luck.
2008-11-22 7:43 pm
oh... u 2 have totally different answer = ="
2008-11-17 1:13 am
Cycle time :
A factory that make dim sum for resturant, the dim sum has a production process, from the start of production to the ready of the food, how long time to complete it ? The no. of days is the cycle time.
So, you may consider its the time of the process from beginning to end of doing something.

Lead time :
A customer order for the product --> Factory get order entry into system --> prepare material to build the product (usually need to purchase something) --> production/manufacturering --> testing--> packing --> shiping --> customer.
How long time it take ? the no of days is the lead time ! (the days your customer need to wait ).

Some company keep stock, the lead time is shorter.

In a resturant, customer order a set lunch, he wait 10 minutes to get the set to eat. The lead time is 10 minutes law.

If you are concern,
Cycle time --> processing time
Lead time --> customer waiting time
Are they the same ? sometimes they are the same depends on your industry, your stock, and what part of the process you want to measure for cycle time.

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