How do you appraise GWB's 8 years performance if you put politics aside?

2008-11-14 8:28 pm

回答 (25)

2008-11-14 9:18 pm
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1. Greatest economy ever when the House,Senate and White House were controlled by Bush.
2.Highest level of personal home ownership.
3. Highest level of personal liberty
4. Highest number of minorities in cabinet positions ever.
5. First president to respond to 30 years of Muslim terrorist attacks on the US, beginning back during the Carter Administration.

1. Economy began to tank once the democrats took over congress (they set the budget)
2. Did not declare martial law and arrest/imprison/deport aliens or traitors the way Lincoln or FDR did.
3. Stopped the war short of victory. (some say it was because the US became aware of Nuclear Weapons within our borders.)
4. Did not declare martial law to investigate irregularities with last election. ACORN etc.

Overall best president I've seen in my lifetime. but still only about a 6. Reagan was a 4. Clinton a 0 Carter a 0 Bush 41 a 1
2008-11-15 4:37 am
I think he bears a large amount of responsibility for stupid decisions that he's made, like going into the Iraq war and supporting this ridiculous $700 billion dollar bailout to the banks.

However, I also think it is important to note that Bush was NOT responsible for 9/11, Hurricane Katrina, or the current financial meltdown. There are plenty of people who will blame him for those things, most of those people being ignornant saps.
2008-11-15 4:39 am
He seems like a nice guy???? I bet he throws a killer barbeque? I'd like to hop Barbara(jr?)'s bones?

Really! How do you pose that question, but expect us to take politics out of it?

The dude might have been well intentioned, but it didn't come together. He definitely had a hard time during his tenure. WTC2 made a mess of a lot of his plans. People started gambling w/ their future. A totally ridiculous idea, and maybe the govt should have called BS. However, the republicans believe in a free market. We should be cautious when regulating the American economy. It's not a huge step from communism.

To sum it up... I'm sure glad I wasn't the prez. Armchair quarterbacking is easy. Hind sight is always 20/20, but getting in the game is a totally different experience.
2008-11-15 4:37 am
This is an irrational question because everyone has a political bias here. But it's also an irrelevant question. Leave it to the historians and let's move on.
2008-11-15 5:14 am
Uh, put plitics aside?

That makes no sense, as he's a political leader in a political position.

But if you mean something like, appraise his performance from a moral standpoint, then I'd have to say abysmal.

He's murdered well over a million people for no reason, tortured and raped possibly tens or hundreds of thousands more -- to name just a tiny bit of his criminality.

Legally, he's committed Crimes Against Humanity, War Crimes, and Treason.
2008-11-15 4:32 am
He got more people politically active then ever before, although the Republicans leverage in a election falls as the voting populous rises, they know they have the minority agenda.
2008-11-15 4:35 am
Politics aside? How do you rate a politician and put politics aside?

Would I want to meet and talk with the man? Well, yes. I'd love to see for myself if he's stupid or if that's the vote getting charade I suspect it is.

But all I know of this guy is politics. I don't care about his religion, since he used it in his politics I figure its inauthentic. I wouldn't want to have a beer, or a near beer with him. I wouldn't want to go fishing with him...

There's just this political guy who in my opinion radically divided my country when it needed uniting, all while claiming the opposite.
2008-11-15 4:48 am
The fact he ignored national security until 9/11/2001 says it all.Especially since he was warned a month before and did nothing to ensure the nations security.
2008-11-15 4:47 am
it is impossible to put politics aside. the first six years included some historic gains. the last two years have been harsh but one cannot place total blame on bush. every bill passed had so many amendments for more regulations or entitlements and that was the major cause of the economic crisis which has hit the world not just us. surely you cannot think that he controls all the other nations.

i know that i will not change anyone's minds for views but common sense should tell them that no one is totally wrong or totally right.

let's assess the situation after four years of Obama and see what is occurring then.
2008-11-15 4:38 am
I don't think his policies were able to properly address the issues that faced our country during his time in office.

He did some great things, some really bad things and a lot of "in between"

I just don't think he has done a good job. Doesn't mean I hate him, think he's the worst guy alive or anything like that.

Do I think someone else would've done better? Possibly, but we really don't know. I don't think anyone could've done a lot worse, but we really don't know that either.

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