
2008-11-15 7:47 am
Ocean Polluted From Rain Run-Off

Public Encouraged To Stay Out Of Ocean For 72 Hours After Rains
LOS ANGELES (CBS) ― Swimming in the ocean is to be avoided until Tuesday because of the possibility of bacteria in storm run-off that reaches the ocean. The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health says the 72 hour advisory goes into effect once rains have finally ceased.

With a small chance of rain falling on Saturday, the advisory could be in effect until late next week, health officials said. If the rain ends tonight, the advisory will be extended through Tuesday.

Storm drains, creeks and rivers carry run-off water to the ocean that can contain high levels of bacteria.

回答 (3)

2008-11-15 11:40 am
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羅省(LOS ANGELES) (CBS)--直至星期二要避免在海洋游泳,這是由於風暴後流抵海洋的雨水含有細菌的可能性。羅省公共衛生部聲稱,當雨水終於停止下降時,此項72小時警告便生效。

衛生部職員說: 由於有微量機會星期六會降雨,這項警告有可能生效至下週稍後時期。如果今晚停止降雨,警告會延長至星期二。

參考: own
2008-11-15 8:34 am
被鼓勵的Public出去海洋在雨以後的72個小時洛杉磯(CBS) ―游泳在海洋将被避免直到星期二由於細菌的可能性在到達海洋的風暴決賽的。 公共卫生的洛杉磯县部門說72個小時情況通知生效,一旦雨最後停止了。
在星期六的With跌倒雨的一個小機會,情況通知可能實際上是直到下星期,卫生官员說。 如果雨今晚結束,情況通知通过星期二將是延長的。 Storm流失、小河和河運載流水到可能包含細菌高水平的海洋。
參考: MSN
2008-11-15 8:09 am
Ocean Polluted From Rain Run-Off

Public Encouraged To Stay Out Of Ocean For 72 Hours After Rains
LOS ANGELES (CBS) ― Swimming in the ocean is to be avoided until Tuesday because of the possibility of bacteria in storm run-off that reaches the ocean. The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health says the 72 hour advisory goes into effect once rains have finally ceased.

With a small chance of rain falling on Saturday, the advisory could be in effect until late next week, health officials said. If the rain ends tonight, the advisory will be extended through Tuesday.

Storm drains, creeks and rivers carry run-off water to the ocean that can contain high levels of bacteria. -==


洛杉磯(CBS) -游泳在海洋将被避免直到星期二由於細菌的可能性在到達海洋的風暴決賽的。 公共卫生的洛杉磯县部門說72個小時情況通知生效,一旦雨最後停止了。

在星期六当雨的一個小機會跌倒,情況通知可能實際上是直到下星期,卫生官员說。 如果雨今晚結束,情況通知通过星期二將是延長的。

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