
2008-11-15 5:44 am
You have one million dollars.What is your plan?
1.How will you feel when you know you can have a million
2.What will you do with the money?Will you buy things for yourself, your family membres or relatives?What will you buy?Why?
3.Who will you share the money with?
4.What will you do with your home/bedroom?Why?
5.Will you study or work after getting a million dollars?
6.What will you do with the money left?(give it to mother/
it in a bank etc.)
7.What can you do to help the other people?(donate some of
the money to the charity,buy some clothes for the elderly

回答 (3)

2008-11-15 8:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.I feel very shocked.

2.I will save half of the money.
Of course I will buy somethings for myself and family.
I will buy some food.It is because i think the food is yummy!

3. I will share themwith my family and friends.

4. I will still use my old room. It is because if I rebuild it, I will waste the

5. No. Because a million dollars are too much, it can help me to crossmy life.

6. I will buy somethings good for mt body.

7. I will give them some my old clothes.

參考: me
2008-11-15 6:04 pm
1 I feel very happy.
2 I will buy some toys and food.
3 I will not share my money.
4 I will play computer games with my homr because it is so interesting.
5 No, I will not.
6 I can do to buy something.
7 I will donate some money to the charity.
2008-11-15 4:22 pm
1. I feel excited.
2. I will go enjoy with the money. Because I wanted to be rich.
3. I won't share my money.
4. I'll make more beautiful at my home and bedroom. My son or daugther
will be happy.
5. I'll be the goverment. And I'll be the ruler of Hong Kong.
6. I'll save in my account.
Question no. 7 is very boring!

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