Finding out values of unknowns in identities

2008-11-15 3:17 am
Find the values of the constants A and B in each of the following identities.
Ax-3 = Bx-A

回答 (4)

2008-11-15 5:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
Ax – 3 = Bx – A

By comparing the constants,
– 3 = – A
A = 3

By comparing the coefficients of x,
A = B
B = 3

∴ A = B = 3

2008-11-15 9:52 am
I think 意見者:廢話 (001) has spoken with misconceptions towards IDENTITY.

 Identity, by definition, is a relation of equality which is always true (for all real values of x).

2008-11-15 01:54:23 補充:
Therefore, by justifying only ONE case where x=0, the definition of "identity" still cannot be satisfied. It is not considered as a proof that "B can be all real numbers" or "回答者:sophialaisy 's answer is wrong".
2008-11-15 4:14 am
回答者: sophialaisy

Put x = 0, A = 3

Ax-3 = Bx-A
3(0)-3 = B(0)-3
-3 = -3

So, B can be all real number.
2008-11-15 3:19 am
Ax-3 = Bx-A

A=B (1)
A=3 (2)
Sub (2) into (1),

A=3 and B=3

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