F.4 Econ 問題.... 求救 !

2008-11-15 1:46 am
問你關於 resdential property...

佢話 :
population of hong kong increases (姐係 demand ↑啦)
and the wage rate of local construction workers rises (咁supply of resdential property會點 ??)

會係因為成本↑.. 所以要 produce 多d.. → supply ↑
定係因為成本↑.. 所以請少d人.. → supply↓

*完整題目 (唔知有冇解錯題...)

the diagram below shows the supply and demand curves of residential property in hong kong. the original equibrium point is E..

(跟住有個有十萬條 curves 既 graph )

If the population of HK increases and the wage rate of local construction workers rises, the new equilibrium point will be at
A. E1 (demand↑ ; Supply ↓)
B. E2 (demand↓ ; Supply↓)
C. E3 (demand↓ ; Supply↑ )
D. E4 (demand↑ ; Supply ↑)

但係我本書寫左d野... when the prices of factors such as labour are increased, producers' cost of production will be increased. As producers can earn less, they will reduce their supply. The supply curve will shift to the left.


quote, "in order to increase the wage rate, the supply must be increased. " 但係 question 唔係話.. 如果the wage rate of local construction workers rises,, consequently 個 eq pt 會點咩 ? 都唔係 IN ORDER TO ↑wage rate,,., ?? 唔明 ~

回答 (2)

2008-11-16 1:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
如樓上的人所示, the answer is D,
however, his explanation is 不正確的!
the property built increase is not shown in the question.
From the Question, we know that, SUPPLY inscreae ( population increases), and the wage inceases.
the new eq point should be right and higher than the origanal one.
We know the supply increase is not by the fact that property built increased.
it is because the wage increase!
in order to increase the wage rate, the supply must be increased. Only when demand and supply increase together, the pirce can be higher.
If the supply decreases, the wage rate will not be increased.
最後, 用中文總結一下, supply升是因為我們知道wage rate (price)升左, 但不是知道construction work increases.
不可以亂用reason去解釋問題. 應該用原題提供的資料

2008-11-15 17:54:43 補充:
相對的, compare with 閣下的問題

supply升不是因為成本上升, 我們要從問題提供的資料找答案, 而不是自己估其他factors
成本升跌及produce多與少 跟問題及答案無關

2008-11-17 20:12:22 補充:
至於點解我寫 in order to increase wage, supply have to be increased.
可能英文的表達不太清楚, 我想表達的意思是, 如果supply不increase, demand increase (一早confirm左) 那wage不可以increase的
但當然, 我們是從提供的fact ( wage ) 去deduce個reason ( supply increase )
所以我才用了in order to 得到一個fact,

如果supply不變或減少, wage不可能increase的

2008-11-17 20:12:25 補充:
但做題目, 主要是focus on佢的"問點"
因為會令你愈諗愈多, 一條mc的時間只有1分鐘,
你要拎到分, 不是要做一條long essay
2008-11-15 9:21 pm
The local construction worker increase. ---> labour productivity ↑.
More resident property are built, supply ↑
As you mentioned, demand .

Answer = D

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