2008-11-14 10:31 pm
1.For fairness to the accused and verification of the accusation. It is consistent with teachings in other places in the Bible.

2. Elders are main supporters of the church. Therefore, they must be of good character. Otherwise the reputation of the church and God's name may be damaged by their behaviors.

3.The Bible clearly states that it wass because Timothy fell ill all the time. Paul suggested him to drink some wine because the alcohol in wine can kill germ, alter the body chemistry, and help with blood circulation, etc.

4.For the Scripture says, "Do not muzzle the ox while it is treading out the grain," and "The worker deserves his wages."

This means whoever shares the work should also be able to enjoy the benefit of the work. For example, when the ox is treading out the grain, do not cover his mouth because he should be allowed to eat the grains while he works.
This command of God shows how considerate He is, even to the animals.

5.Because all who believe in the Lord Jesus are brothers in Christ, supposely equal with each other. Therefore, the slave may use this point to treat his master as an equal, and not as his master.

6.All who are under the yoke of slavery should consider their masters worthy of full respect, so that God's name and our teaching may not be slandered.

There was no distinction made about the masters being believers or not. The slaves were adviced to respect them ALL as they would respect the Lord Jesus Himself.

回答 (2)

2008-11-15 9:49 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1.For fairness to the accused and verification of the accusation. It is consistent with teachings in other places in the Bible. 為了對被指控的人,及指控事項驗證的公平....。它符合在聖經中,其它地方(經卷)的教導。

2. Elders are main supporters of the church. Therefore, they must be of good character. Otherwise the reputation of the church and God's name may be damaged by their behaviors.長老是教會主要的支持者,所以,他們要有好品行,否則,教會和神的名聲就被他們的行為毀壞了。

3.The Bible clearly states that it was because Timothy fell ill all the time. Paul suggested him to drink some wine because the alcohol in wine can kill germ, alter the body chemistry, and help with blood circulation, etc. 聖經清楚指出,因著提麼太常常病,保羅提議他喝些酒,因為酒精能殺菌、轉變身體的運作和幫助血液循環...等等

4.For the Scripture says, "Do not muzzle the ox while it is treading out the grain," and "The worker deserves his wages." 因為經上記著說:『牛在場上踹穀的時候,不可籠住牠的嘴。』,又說:『工人得工價是應當的。-------提麼太前書五章18節

This means whoever shares the work should also be able to enjoy the benefit of the work. 這意思是不論誰人,他分擔工作,就應該享受工作帶來的好處。
For example, when the ox is treading out the grain, do not cover his mouth because he should be allowed to eat the grains while he works.例如牛在踹穀的時候,不應該束著牠的嘴,應該准許牠在工作時,同時吃穀。
This command of God shows how considerate He is, even to the animals. 這個神的命令表現出神是多麼的為人設想,縱然是對動物;也是這樣。

5.Because all who believe in the Lord Jesus are brothers in Christ, supposely equal with each other. Therefore, the slave may use this point to treat his master as an equal, and not as his master. 因為所有相信主耶穌基督的人,在主內都是弟兄,應該是平等的,所以,奴隸可用這點,對待他的主人作平等,不是作為主人。

6.All who are under the yoke of slavery should consider their masters worthy of full respect, so that God's name and our teaching may not be slandered. 『凡在軶下作僕人的,當以自己主人配受十分的恭敬,免得神的名和道理,被人褻瀆。』----提麼太前書六章1節

There was no distinction made about the masters being believers or not. The slaves were adviced to respect them ALL as they would respect the Lord Jesus Himself. 主人是否信徒,沒有分別,奴隸們被勸勉去尊敬他們的主人,就像他們尊敬主耶穌一樣。

2008-11-15 13:50:56 補充:
2008-11-15 1:11 am

2 。老年人的主要支持者的教堂。因此,他們必須具有良好的品格。否則,聲譽的教堂和上帝的名稱可能會破壞他們的行為。


4.For聖經說, “不要砲口牛,而這是踐踏了糧食, ”和“工人應該得到他的工資。 ”


5.Because所有誰相信主耶穌是基督兄弟, supposely平等與對方。因此,從可利用這一點把他的主人作為一個平等的,而不是他的主人。



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