Why ions have to be delocalized to conduct

2008-11-14 9:28 pm
Why ions have to be delocalized(mobiled) to conduct electricity? THe electrons move instead of the ions. Please explain and please come back.

回答 (1)

2008-11-16 3:29 am
✔ 最佳答案
To be frank, I think you have some wrong concepts about ions conducting electricity.
The ions must move to conduct electricity.
Indeed, there is electron transfer, but is limited to only the electrodes. Electrons cannot move by themselves to the electrodes, nor from electrodes back to ions. They must follow the ions. Therefore, to conduct electricity, we must make the ions mobile before they can accept/donate electrons at the electrodes.
If ions are not mobile, they are fixed in definite positions. How can they reach the electrodes to donate/accept electrons to conduct electricity?

electrons係識郁,但係唔識自己離開d ion,自己走去electrodes架

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