會計一問, 有關balance sheet

2008-11-14 8:33 pm
Fixed assets
Furniture and equipment325,400.00
Less: - Aggregate depreciation325,400.00

Current assets
Prepaymnet of rental14,000.00

Current Liabilities
Account Payable150,405.00
Net Current assets(143,205.00)

Proprietor's current account1,314.00
Loss for the year (144,519.00)

我想問net current asset 會是負數嗎?以上的例子合理嗎?

回答 (2)

2008-11-14 9:19 pm
net current asset 可以是負數,只要Current Liabilities多於Current assets,就有可能出現負數。特別在一些虧蝕很大的公司,欠下大筆債無力償還是很普遍的情況。
2008-11-14 8:40 pm
因為FA=0,CA<CL好多... 所以NET CA是負數是沒錯...

另角度睇, LOSS很大,所以也合理

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 23:13:25
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