tsunmi what i need to do

2008-11-14 5:27 pm
tsunmi i need to do what help family friend other people

回答 (2)

2008-11-14 9:32 pm
✔ 最佳答案

Look for the signs. Usually during a tsunami, the water will recede very far back. The water will be inactive, and the only waves will be very small and barely make it up to the beach. Nearby boats and ships will be likely to bob up and down. A small wave might come up and fill the water where it is supposed to be, but then it will recede back in a second. These are excellent signs that tsunami is coming.
Understand that if you are sure that something is going to happen, warn other people immediately. Get everyone to evacuate the beach and any area near the shore.
high ground, such as the top floor of a building.
fart sooo loud...then go put a toilet seat on ur head and eat cheese ullbe safe then...
Understand that if you are caught in the tsunami's grip, don't fight the current. You might drown. A bunch of deadly debris might be floating by, such as cars, trees, rocks or whatever. Try to grab on to the debris or something solid in the ground, like a pole. If you can't grab the debris, try to avoid it. Move out of its way swiftly or duck beneath. If you grab something or float on something until the water subsides or you are able to get away from the wave, you are likely to survive.
Information from the net************

2008-11-14 8:04 pm
tsunmi i need to do what help family friend other people
The proper question should be:
What can I do to help the family to find their losing members in the tsunami?
I guess not much you can do, just pray that they will appear at your front door one day.
參考: self

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