
2008-11-14 8:07 am
本人係初哥第一次買勞力士,隻錶係朋友讓比我佢同我講隻錶可以上行交收不過驗錶錢要自己比!為求安心所以我決定上行.我有d問題想問吓?驗錶要幾錢到(隻錶係 16570 Explorer II)?驗錶有d咩重點要注意?個朋友同我講隻錶係P字頭又點解??

回答 (1)

2008-11-14 10:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
1)驗錶要幾錢到(隻錶係 16570 Explorer II)?驗錶有d咩重點要注意?
It depends. Go to a bigger center like RSC , but
I have no idea if there are any in HK.
Rolex elected to start numbering with a letter prefix (e.g. ... In 1994, Rolex started yet another sequence with the letters: W, T and U, then A, P, and K in subsequent years.

Your Rolex watch was made in Jan , 2000 .

Hope it helps.
Bye bye

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