so同so that既分別

2008-11-14 6:25 am
我想知so同so that既分別

回答 (1)

2008-11-14 10:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
So that:

In order that, as in I stopped so that my brother could catch up with me.

With the result or consequence that, as in Mail the package now so that it will arrive on time. ( for a result)

so ... that. In such a way or to such an extent that, as in The line was so long that I could scarcely find the end of it. All three usages date from a.d. 1000 or earlier, and the first two are sometimes put simply as so, as in I stopped so you could catch up, or Mail it now so it will arrive on time.

1) I am so moody.<-------------------" so" is an adverb here. so=very
2) My mother is not home so I will cook for my father.
"so" is used as a conjunction here. so =因此,所以

3) for this or that reason; hence; therefore: She is ill, and so cannot come to the party. ( because of that)
She is ill. She cannot come to the party.************
Do check out the example sentences on the website above.


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