About a English sentence

2008-11-14 5:59 am
Many companies and shops's business has been decreasing since the global economic crisis

Please check whether I have any grammatical's mistakes or not

Please check this sentence whether I have any grammatical mistake or not

回答 (3)

2008-11-14 8:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
The business of many companies and shops has been decreasing due to the
global economic crisis

Many companies and shops' business has been decreasing due to the global
economic crisis.

(due to可以改成because of)

** since後面應該係用句子
** 獨立一間公司或店舖是用's,即compamy's or shop's,如果係超過一間要用s',如companys' or shops'
2008-11-14 8:46 am
Many companies and shops business (have) been decreasing since the global economic crisis.

Grammar ok la.
2008-11-14 8:09 am
***Please check whether I made any grammatical mistakes in this sentence or not.***
( You make mistakes, not you have them.)
Many companies and shops's business has been decreasing since the global economic crisis.<------- Your sentence

Ans: Businesses in many companies and shops( <---Plural)-> have been going downhill since the global economic crisis( meltdown, slowdown).
Many companies and shops's business<----This part is a bit you know what.

Hope it helps.
See you around:)

2008-11-14 00:11:41 補充:
The other guy is right about using " because of ( object)" as well.

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