F.3 English Grammar

2008-11-14 4:07 am
"didn't need to " 同 "needn't have "有咩分別?

1.It wasn't raining so I didn't need to bring my umbrella.
2.The weather turned out to be fine yesterday.I needn't have brought my umbrella with me.

回答 (6)

2008-11-14 4:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
I didn't need to bring = 昨天唔需要帶所以冇帶
needn't have brought = 昨天唔需要帶但我帶左

2008-11-13 20:58:23 補充:
第一個 past tense + verb to be
第二個 modal verb + past perfect tense
參考: , 我是英文老師
2008-11-14 4:07 pm
Are you sure "needn't" is right? I never heard people use that before.
Even for #2, using "didn't need to" is correct.

Good luck.
2008-11-14 5:30 am
1. "didn't need to"
the word "need" is used as a regular verb like any other verb.
e.g. I didn't tell him

2. "needn't have "
The word "need" here is used as a modal verb, like can, could, may, might, ought to, must etc
e.g. I ought not to have brought my ...
I mustn't have brought my ....
2008-11-14 4:46 am
"didn't need to " 同 "needn't have "有咩分別?
Ans: The difference is the tense.
1) 1.It wasn't raining so I didn't need to bring my umbrella.
( wasn't , didn't need to <----------Simple past tense.)
2.The weather turned out to be fine yesterday.I needn't have brought my umbrella with me.
have=(加過去分詞,構成完成時態)已經 + the past participle( brought)

2008-11-14 4:26 am
needn't have 唔係一個野架;have brought 應該係P.P來.

2008-11-14 4:25 am
"didn't need to " 同 "needn't have "沒分別。^_^

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