去愛爾蘭讀書需要係香港辦d咩手續?? 急!!!

2008-11-14 2:53 am
我有HKSAR既PASPORT架..但係我要去愛爾蘭讀書既話要搞D咩手續架?? 我聽一個朋友既媽咪話辦一D正式手續,但係我唔知係D咩黎架? 我係用旅客身入去愛爾蘭咁可唔可以讀書架?

回答 (3)

2008-11-14 5:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
旅客身份只能停留 3 個月,係唔可以留低讀書的。
地 址:金鐘金鐘道88號太古廣場二座1408室
電 話:2527 4897
傳 真:2824 9127
電 郵:[email protected]
網 址:http://www.consulateofireland.hk
2008-11-20 9:40 pm
You dont need any 經濟証明 YET but MAKE SURE you bring 入學証明, this is very IMPORTANT, Also the school must be Private School becos u a internation student.

2008-11-20 13:40:48 補充:
If you are going to University just show them the letter will do. They will give u a stamp (visa) on that day between 2 weeks to 2 months and you have to go to the local immigration offic afterwards to apply for a GNIB card (we call green card) to remain in the countray.

2008-11-20 13:41:55 補充:
At this point you need to show
-you pay ur school fees
- proof of income
- school letter
- proof of address

hope this help :)
if you go by 旅客, it will be VERY HARD to convert HOLIDAY VISA ----> STUDENT VISA!!!!

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