
2008-11-14 1:46 am
1.我曾經做過Temporary Clerk在XX公司~做過暑假工在某年的暑假

I worked as a Temporary Clerk in XX LTD. on X summer

2.之後, 我在XX公司做過一份PART TIME既Operator工作

After that, I worked as a part time Operator in XX company

3.在文憑畢業後, 我在XX公司做過Clerk

After I completed my diploma education, ..............(有冇得多少少變化,唔想成日都係果D字眼)



And I earned some ......... experience when I was being a clerk in .... Ltd.



回答 (3)

2008-11-14 3:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
Depends on ur employer.Usually, you need to send as .doc or .txt documents.

I would put your most relevant experience first.

I have substantial experience in administrative and clerical work which I gained from my part-time job as a Clerk in xxx Ltd during summer vacation and as an Operator xxx Ltd and my recent my full-time job as a Clerk in xxxx Ltd.My accuracy is more than 90% in processing and my typing speed is xxwpm which I believe are valuables skills in contributing the role of xxxx.

Apart from that, I have completed a diploma in xxxx in 2008. xxxxxx (e.g.tell the employer what u hv learnt in the diploma and how it relates to ur job).

You should put more effort on highlighting ur skill than just highlight the fact of ur work exp. and studies.
2008-11-14 2:49 am
1.I have already been a Temporary Clerk working in ... LTD on the summer holiday in XXXX. (有變化,唔洗同第2句一樣) (XXXX=年份)
2.After that, I worked as a part time Operator in ... company. (no problems)
3.I had graduated and got a diploma in ... school/university before I was a clerk in ... Ltd. (都係有少少變化)
And I was experienced in ...... when I was a clerk in .... Ltd.
P.S. 呢d係講你既工作經驗+學歷,求職信講呢3句已經夠,唔洗del。另外提你要加埋:
2008-11-14 1:55 am
I worked as a Temporary Clerk in XX LTD. on X summer ---> Temp Clark Summer Job 唔駛講啦..你有其他經驗呀

After that, I worked as a part time Operator in XX company ---> Part Time 唔駛講啦

After I completed my diploma education, ..............(有冇得多少少變化,唔想成日都係果D字眼)
---> I graduated in XXX school / university. Then I have worked as a Clark in XXX Ltd. I am responsible for .........

參考: 自己 (MBA degree, change jobs almost 10 times)

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