Back Screen

2008-11-13 11:54 am
Hi i buy a new Acer LCD Monitors for my old compaq PIII 600,but it show "back screen"i try to fromt it ,but window run 50% and back screen ever time, how come, can someone can help ?

回答 (2)

2008-11-14 6:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
可能Acer LCD Monitor同你電腦的輸出頻率不同步或解像度不夾. 試下重新開機(電腦), 及將解像度降低800x600, 然後慢慢調高解像度, 看能否解決.
2008-11-22 12:38 pm
i think it try to tell you is about time to upgrade your system !? GET yourself a new pc in time for Christmas la ^_^

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