
2008-11-13 9:39 am


回答 (3)

2008-11-14 2:48 am


2008-11-14 12:43 am
W = VI = V(V/R) = V^2/R (R=V/I ohms law, I=V/R)
R = V^2/W

R = 220 x 220 / 100 = 484 ohms
2008-11-13 10:00 am
Consider the following equation:
1.) Watts(W) = Voltage(V) x Current(I) ;
2.) Resistance (R) = Voltage (V) / Current (I)
Find out the Current pass throw a light bulb:
By Equation 1.) W = V x I ;
100 = 220 x I ;
I = 100 / 220 ;
I = 0.4545 Amps; (Or you can leave it as 5 / 11, this then you won't loss the digit)
Find out the resistance on the light bulb:
By Equation 2.) R = V / I ;
R = 220 / 0.4545 ;
R = 484 Ohms

2008-11-13 02:06:19 補充:
Alternatively you can combine the two equation into one to ease the difficulty on sub in value
Eq 1.) W = VxI ;
Eq 2.) R = V/I ;

Rewrite equation Eq1.) :
I = W / V -- Eq 3.)

Sub in Eq 3.) to Eq 2.):
R = V / (W / V)
R = V^2 / W -- Eq 4.)

Sub in value V = 220 W = 100 to Eq 4.)
R = (220)^2 / 100 = 484 ohms
參考: Personal Opinion Only

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