Fill in the blanks(3)

2008-11-13 6:36 am
11. He ____________ (understand) if you explain the situation to him.
12. If you _____________ yellow and blue, it will be green.
13. If I __________(can), I'll do it this evening.
14. If you did that, it ____________(cause) trouble.
15. If he's there, there ____________(be) trouble.

回答 (3)

2008-11-13 6:53 am
✔ 最佳答案
11. will understand
12. mix
13. can
14. would cause (future unreal conditional!!!)
15. will be

Future Unreal Conditional

[If ... Simple Past ..., ... would verb ...]

The Future Unreal Conditional is used to talk about imaginary situations in the future. It is only used when a speaker needs to emphasize that something is impossible.


* If I had a day off from work next week, I would go to the beach.
I don't have a day off from work.
2008-11-13 11:45 pm
11. He will understand (understand) if you explain the situation to
him.( future + present)
12. If you ____mix_________ yellow and blue, it will be green.( present + future)

13. If I ___can_______(can), I'll do it this evening.
( present+ future)
14. If you did that, it ____would________(cause) trouble.( conditional)
15. If he's there, there ____will be________(be) trouble. (present+future)


2008-11-13 15:46:36 補充:
14. If you did that, it ____would_CAUSE_______(cause) trouble.( conditional)***
2008-11-13 6:40 am

Hello. Below are suggested answer for your study.

11. He will understand (understand) if you explain the situation to him.
12. If you mix yellow and blue, it will be green.
13. If I can (can), I'll do it this evening.
14. If you did that, it will cause (cause) trouble.
15. If he's there, there will be (be) trouble.

Thank you.

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