
2008-11-13 5:39 am
Since it was quite impossible for us to carry on with our barbecue, we decided to go home and dried ourselves.


回答 (4)

2008-11-13 1:59 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1)你的句子Since it was quite impossible for us to carry on with our barbecue, we decided to go home and dried ourselves.可以是對的,如果你想說的事情次序是:

Since it was quite impossible for us to carry on with our barbecue, ------->we decided to go home -------> and we dried ourselves (before going ...)我認為這個說法是可能和合理的,因為先dried ourselves以免回程時着涼合理,barbecue處有地方dried...可能。


Since it was quite impossible for us to carry on with our barbecue,--->we decided: to go home----> and to dry ourselves.

dried 就要改為dry, 因為:
Since it was quite impossible for us to carry on with our barbecue, we decided to go home and to dry ourselves.句尾簡化後成為:

Since it was quite impossible for us to carry on with our barbecue, we decided to go home and dry ourselves.
參考: own
2008-11-13 2:55 pm
The sentence "we decided to go home and dry ourselves." has equal meaning as "we decided to go home and decided to dry ourselves."

Note that there need not to be 2 verbs and particles placed in the sentence unless different ones have to be used.
Also, we always use present tense following the particle "to".
參考: MeMeMe!!
2008-11-13 8:34 am

We decided to go home and<--------------( one action)
We decided to dry ourselves<----------( the other action)
Please watch me put them together now. O_O

We decided to {go home ( first piece) and dry ourselves.}( second piece)
That's why.
Bye for now.
2008-11-13 5:46 am
we decided to go home and dried ourselves
we decided to go home and we decided to dry ourselves

因為要go home才能 dry oneself
we decided to (go home and dry ourselves)

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