
2008-11-13 2:57 am


3. 美國留學既話邊個洲最好, 最有讀書氣氛?

4.聽有d人話oregon係個幾好既地方, 係咪真? 係咪好凍?
果到有咩好既community college? 有咩好既大學?
總之想知道更多oregon 洲既野, 越多越好!

PS: 希望真係知道既人答, (最好係住在california/oregon or 住過california/oregon)

另外,住美國其他地方既人知既話都比下意見啦 thanks

回答 (3)

2008-11-16 8:54 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The whole CA have a lot of Asian, but most of them live in San Fran and LA.
the San Francisco have one of the biggest China Town in the USA

Yes, the cost of living is pretty high in California, but not as high as Hong Kong
here's a link to see the cost of living in CA

3. 美國留學既話邊個洲最好, 最有讀書氣氛?
讀書係睇人!!(just kidding) I think 最有讀書氣氛 is in Massachusetts' Boston area, MIT and Harvard that kind of school and some of the best high school in the country around, definitely have the most 讀書氣氛

4.聽有d人話oregon係個幾好既地方, 係咪真? 係咪好凍?
果到有咩好既community college? 有咩好既大學?
總之想知道更多oregon 洲既野, 越多越好!
Oregon is not so bad on the coast (portland rarely get under 0 degree C), but the inland can get pretty cold especially up in the mountains.
Good universities include University of Oregon(ranked 59 in USA), Oregon State University(ranked 53 in USA), Portland State University(ranked 246 in the world),
and I only know one good community college, which is Portland Community College

2008-11-19 01:12:55 補充:
yes, OSU is a little bit better than UO, I can't really find Portland State, because it's not top100 university in the US.
參考: myself, world university ranking
2008-11-16 7:41 pm
almost every state in US are the same, except the weather. but do you know Hk students are everywhere? they happy or not is they are ready to open their mind and willing to meet people. you may not get used in first couple months, but if you dont have language problem then once you met new friends, you will be excited to stay.
almost every college ---- over 800 total , must have Chinese student there, but more closer to any big city, that will be has more chinese. so included LA and SF, SD.....etc.
you here asked for community college, that is low standard grade college. which is for local and or low income, low GPA student. most community college is less quality, so i have nothing to recommand to you.
CA living standard is high but only in and near big cities area.
which college havebetter study atmosphre? i will said north east states are better. southern states are famus as party school,
Oregon i had been there, in Portland, the city is ok la, but Oregon have no famus Univeristy..... the state is agriculture state, so you think la.
參考: live in US over 30 years
2008-11-14 2:20 am
1. Not only L.A. and S.F., the entire California has a lot of Asians.

2. Only in San Francisco Bay Area.

3. You already answered the question. It depends on you if you really work hard.

4. No. It is a rural area. The only famous university is UO - University of Oregon.

2008-11-14 06:14:28 補充:
Then there will be no answer for question #3.

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