Sponsor letter - Urgent

2008-11-13 12:12 am
我 Draft 左一封信是給自己公司的老闆, 邀請他們贊助捐款給同事攪聖誕party 抽獎用, 煩請幫助更正, 謝謝!

Our company will hold the Christmas party once every year on 24 December 2008.At the appointed time will have lucky draws, therefore the present special letter will request earnestly you to support the donation to lucky draw as the Christmas party. The donation hoped that will hand over to Ms. Yau on or before 12 December 2008, this will express thanks deeply sincerely!

Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year.

回答 (1)

2008-11-13 12:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
你老細係人定鬼呀﹐如果係鬼都好d﹐雖然你寫得好差﹐但係一般都會體諒你﹐如果係人就 .... 唔該你努力讀吓書改善英文程度。 我照你意思re-write成如下:
Pursuant to traditional practice, we hold Christmas party on 24 Dec and arrange lucky draw during the party. We hence earnestly request managements to support the party with donatation. We shall appreciate if your donation may reach Ms Yau on or before 12 Dec (你有無寫錯日子呀﹐今日己經係12號喎). We sincerely express our thanks for your support.
Wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

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