
2008-11-13 12:06 am

回答 (7)

2008-11-13 1:32 am
✔ 最佳答案
I'll go to school in Mongkok and I'll collect your redeemed gifts on the way.
在此, on the way 己解做 '順便'.
參考: Own
2008-11-13 5:53 am
順便既英文 - by the way
2008-11-13 5:11 am
take this opportunity

I will go to school in Mongkok later, let me take this opportunity to redeem the gift for you.
參考: myself
2008-11-13 1:29 am
by the way
in passing
參考: 字典
2008-11-13 12:59 am
I will help you get that gift. I am going to go to school in Mong Kok anyway.
You don't need to say" 順便" nor" conveniently" here.
I think it would be unnatural to do so.


2008-11-12 17:00:20 補充:
Anyway<--- in my sentence means 反正.
2008-11-13 12:26 am
用to carry on
或用to go on
2008-11-13 12:22 am
順便英文係 ”conveniently ”

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