how can I write the sentence in english?

2008-11-12 3:01 pm
GROUP A要面對Group B面對的問題

Group A needs to face the same problem as group B
Group A needs to face the same problem as group B does
Group A needs to face the same problem as group B faces

回答 (6)

2008-11-12 10:04 pm
Hello 你好, 我是 Jennie, 有無想過學好D英文呀?? 如果你想學好英文文法, 講和聽都好的話, 就應該去跟一位外籍老師補習, 好像我的老公是位英國人, 我天天跟他講和聽, 就好像講廣東話一樣, 現在我的英文也好了很多呢! 他現正是一位英文補習老師, 如有興趣可聯絡我的 email address, 收費很大眾化..

[email protected]

2008-11-12 6:02 pm
GROUP A要面對Group B面對的問題-- Out of your three sentences,
the second sentence is the only grammatically correct one for you to write in your homework . The explanation is given below.

Comments on the sentences:

1.Group A needs to face the same problem as group B.
People do say the first sentence sometimes, with the last word 'does' omitted. And it does not cause misunderstanding of the meaning of the sentence.
But it is not exactly correct as the second sentence in 2.

2.Group A needs to face the same problem as group B does.
The is the grammatically correct one. We are comparing 'the problem that Group A needs to face' to 'the proble that Group B needs to face '. The problem needs to be faced by A and B are the same.
The sentence should be: Group A needs to face the same problem as group B needs to face. This is too clumsy. So without causing misunderstanding the sentence is written as:
Group A needs to face the same problem as group B does.--'does' stands for 'needs to face'.

3.Group A needs to face the same problem as group B faces
It follows from 2. then the word 'faces' is wrong because it is not what we want to compare with 'needs.....'.

2008-11-15 16:42:56 補充:
2.should read:........We are comparing'the problem........face' to' the problem... face'......
參考: own
2008-11-12 5:28 pm
Group A will face the same problem(question) as Group B (facing).
Group A will have the same problem as Group B.

re"GROUP A要面對Group B面對的問題" .....
Is this sentence grammartically corrected?!? i mean..** GROUP A要面對Group B面對的問題 just doesn't sound right to me ^_^
2008-11-12 4:52 pm

Your second sentence is good.
Group A( subject) needs( main verb) to face the same problem as group B does
1) I have to face the same problem as you do.( formal English)
2) I know that as much as you do.( formal English).
I DO have to face the same ............
I DO know that as ...............................
"Do" is what we call " a helping verb" in English grammar.

Hope it helps.
See you.

2008-11-12 3:25 pm
Group A needs to face the same problem as group B
2008-11-12 3:03 pm
Group A needs to face the same problem as group B.

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