"Dumpling" (countable noun) means :
a rounded mass of steamed and seasoned dough, often served in soup or with stewed meat.
a dessert consisting of a wrapping of dough enclosing sliced apples or other fruit, boiled or baked.
a short or stout person.
In English slang, we do use the word " dump" as 排便.
Let me show you some slang.
1) I gotta take a dump. 排便 ( we use it as a noun)
2) I gotta pinch the loaf.排便( same as above)
3) I gotta take a deuce. 排便( same as above)
Hope it helps,
Bye for now.
2008-11-12 11:14:37 補充:
Check this out too!!!!!!!!!
No dumping dog yard sign!