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Target market = Low living standard families & Estate housholds.
Marketing Mix :
Product : Vegetables, fruits and alike, no meat. No cold storage for meat.
All food sources from China ?
Price : Low price, very low price, cheap is the strategy.
Place : Retailing in housing estates where their target customers lives, and locate near to the government build market, but not go into it. Show as a alternative to customers. " We are cheaper there, not here".
Created her own distribution center, with her own lorries to distribute goods to each retail shops.
all retail shops no decoration, cost down down down, give you a cheap image.
Simple sell sell sell. And make it like a warehouse too. So, you feel low cost, implies low price.
Promotion : The slogan she use is basically telling everyone " My price is cheapest ".
Effectiveness :
Yes, it attract those people looking for lower price, and those low income level citizens. But, we dont know her profit margin, so, difficult to evalute.
Usually, this market segment is difficult to grow your business, to grow your profit.
The company marketing mix is matching to their marketing strategy and mission. From this point its efficeint. What we dont know is how efficient they can make money.
Conclusion :
A cheap product offering center, a distribution network with outlets to reach consumers. In long growth opportunities is low.
I think that is enough to your project. Do you like those points ? :)