
2008-11-12 10:13 am






請唔好用翻譯網站/工具黎譯丫,,, 因為會變到好怪,,THX!!!

回答 (4)

2008-11-15 10:27 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I am writing in reply to your letter of inquiry for the XXX Bank, located at XXX dated DDMMYYYY.

The bank is one of the giant international banking firms in the Chicago Metropolitan Area, and has branches throughout the world. From the information we have in our hands, the bank is established in 1969 under the Illinois regulations, and was transformed from a small to medium savings bank that established in 1928. The bank is a full permanent member of the local bankers' association since 1970.

We have no details for the bank's liquidity situation. But the bank keeps a clean record since the 1970s as from our knowledge. It reveals that the bank is operating in a good condition.

XXX is the head of the bank and we all think that he and the management team are smart and reliable.

We are therefore glad to recommend the bank to you.

Messages above are strictly confidential and we bear no responsibilities for the accuracy of information provided.
參考: 小試牛刀, 因為睇唔過眼d人響樹賣廣告,又將「函覆」譯做”han fu”,又或將”貴方”譯成”expensive side”
2008-11-13 6:31 am
This bank is one of Chicago area international big banks, domestic overseas has many Branch offices. Looking from the material which can obtain, this bank set up according to Illinois according to the state law in 1969, its predecessor was established in a 1928 scale not big thrift institution. Since 1970 this bank has been the local banker association's capitalization full member.
參考: yahoo聰明筆
2008-11-12 12:02 pm

豐富經驗, 價廉物美

= Professional GhostWriter =
Email/MSN: [email protected]
2008-11-12 10:27 am
This reply by letter expensive side X year X month X date inquired that
concerns located at bank consultation letter.

This bank is one of Chicago area international big banks, domestic overseas has many Branch offices.
Looking from the material which can obtain, this bank set up according to Illinois according to the state
law in 1969, its predecessor was established in a 1928 scale not big thrift institution. Since 1970 this
bank has been the local banker association's capitalization full member.

We have not known this line of present fund condition. But according to what we know, this line has
maintained the pure historic record since 1970. We can obtain the material indicated that this line of
situations are good.

XXX gentleman is this line of presidents. We think XXX gentleman and the management astute reliable.

We are glad to the expensive side to recommend this bank very much.

The above information please by all means must strictly keep secret, if has discrepancies we not to be
generally irresponsible.

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