9V. 直流電插孔. 交流電變壓器. AD-5. 交流電源插座

2008-11-12 9:48 am

9V. 直流電插孔.
交流電變壓器. AD-5. 交流電源插座

緊即係買幾多w 既火件

回答 (3)

2008-11-14 5:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
交流電變壓器 AD-5, 既係 5VA,550mA,如果你要買可以買大一 D,1000mA 都冇問題,不過就唔好買太細,最重要睇極向,中心係負( - )既係正負要分清楚,請參考下圖 :


2008-11-14 1:14 am
无錯, 樓上講得對, 你個應該係DC 9V直流電代電器。要小心9V正負極不要弄錯。
+ ______( o )
- ______( o )

2008-11-12 10:52 am
I've noticed a lot of people here were having a hard time finding the right adapter for their specific keyboards or pianos, and I've got a solution. You don't actually need to buy a Casio brand adapter to fit your Casio keyboard (matching model numbers can be tricky online). Here's a fool- proof method for finding the right adapter every time;

On the back or underside of your piano , there should be a voltage rating (which looks like a number followed by 'V'. For example, '9V' or '8V') and a milliamp rating (which looks like a larger number followed by 'mA'. For example, '850mA' or '900mA').

With those two numbers, you can find the exact adapter you need. :) For example, my keyboard is rated '9V 850mA', which looks like a bunch of gobbldeygook until you type it into a search engine or show it to a salesperson at any electronics or toy store. Almost all adapters are rated this way and regardless of the manufacturer (i.e. Casio, Yamaha), you'll always get the exact adapter you need when using voltage and milliamp numbers. Just be sure the other end of the adapter is the right fit for your input jack, and you're all set. :) Hope that helps.


2008-11-12 02:54:54 補充:
gobbledygook **********

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