《評論》The Magician's Nephew

2008-11-13 12:08 am
相關問題: https://hk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080518000051KK00881

呢個係鬼簡介呀= =?剛做完呢個功課... 我呢個先至係正確ge= =+ This story begins in London ,when two children, Digory and Polly meet. One day, they take the wrong door and surprise Digory's Uncle Andrew in his study. Uncle Andrew tricks Polly into touching a yellow magic ring, which causes her to disappear. Andrew then blackmails Digory into following to rescue her by using another yellow magic ring and gave him two green magic rings to bring them back. The yellow rings transport the children into a wood with many pools of water. The children discover that jumping into different pools while wearing the green rings. Digory said to Polly to come and explore through some of the other pools with him. They find a bell in the other world. Digory falls for the taunt and rings the bell. It awoke the evil Queen Jadis. Jadis travel back with them by grabbing hold of Polly's hair, and from the Wood Between the Worlds, to London but Digory and Polly bring along not only Jadis, but also Uncle Andrew, cabby and Strawberry. Soon, they hear Aslan was singing and they watch as he breathes life into the world so that animals and plants. Aslan selects some animals to become talking beasts. Aslan sends Digory to get the apple of youth to protect Narnia. Polly, Digory, transformed into a winged horse, Fledge, fly to a mountain to get the apple from a walled garden. Aslan then crowns the cabby, Frank, and his wife, King and Queen of Narnia. After that, they return to London. Digory gives the apple to his mother and she heals. He buries the apple core in the yard. The apple core grows into a tree, and years later it is blown down in a storm. Digory can't bear to have the tree cut up into firewood so he has it made into a wardrobe.

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