How to track what my employees are doing?

2008-11-11 3:19 pm
I have many off-shore workers in different countries. How can I track what each employee is doing? How can I track there online time etc. Any serious suggestions? Do we have any software?

回答 (3)

2008-11-11 3:36 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You could use timekeeping software or use timesheet where people have to clock in/clock out. But that just keeps track of the time they are there.

Don't know what industry you're talking about, and not sure if there are general tracking software for logging in what people are actually doing, but in the computer industry, they have work/issue request tracking where people have to log in the time they spend and what they do on each particular task. This would be separate from the timekeeping software that just shows when they are in or not.
2008-11-11 3:29 pm
use any timesheet software and ask them to put their daily work in it that way you can keep track of them.
2008-11-11 3:29 pm
my dad and sister work offshore!! i would suggest for every job done that a clipboard with the jobs to be done get signed your employees i havent asked my dad but thats what i would do.its a pain for the employees but atleast you know the jobs are gettin done,and you can calculate if there doin enough or not. good luck

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