solve for r 123 xr=1,476?

2008-11-11 1:58 pm

回答 (4)

2008-11-11 2:03 pm
✔ 最佳答案
2008-11-11 10:25 pm
123xr = 1476
(123x)r = 1476
r = 1476/123x
r = 12/x
2008-11-11 10:06 pm
Is that 'x' a variable?

If so then you'd divide 1,476 by 123, = 12. Then divide that by x.
r = 12/x

If not then 1,476/123 = 12.
r = 12

I think,
2008-11-11 10:04 pm
123 xr=1,476---> r=1,476/123=12

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