Is it safe for dogs to eat?

2008-11-11 11:58 am
my dog loves Aniseed balls and humbug lollies for a treat? Apart from the sugar is it ok as I cant find anything bad

who ever is putting thumbs down please stop it as it is a matter of opinion and everyones answer is valuable


humbugs are boiled licorice sweets

回答 (12)

2008-11-11 12:32 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Sounds ok to me in moderation, they love to have a little of what we have maybe not a whole one break it up and give her a little bit to make it feel like she is getting a lot. Try licorice to they like that and look for the low sugar one. Try liver treat or carob this is chocolate for dogs only every now and again.
2008-11-11 12:03 pm
Don't feed your dogs rubbish or you'll find yourself with a large vet bill before too long. The sugar is bad for your dog.
2008-11-11 12:23 pm
Hi Kim,

Sugar is pretty bad for a dog.

A tiny bit of sugar in a blueberry or piece of apple is fine for a treat but I would limit it to that.

I would avoid all candies. Even though your dog loves them you are not doing him/her any favours.

The sugar content is too high.
2008-11-11 12:19 pm
"A treat"...means how often?
Once a day? Too much.
Once a,probably not.

You do realize that *anything* consumed in excess is BAD?
That FAT IS BAD? That dogs eat dog-food?
2008-11-11 12:15 pm
I can't see it being a huge problem if it is only now and again, but try to find a substitute. Too much sugar is bad for teeth and waistline.
2008-11-11 12:24 pm
I'm not sure why you contacted me by e-mail on this question. I am a Sifu of Chinese martial arts - but I will make a best guess with a little common sense thrown in. First off, it's good you love you dog so much as to feed/reward with special treats - but I do believe that there are many such special foods and snacks that are made especially for animals and are healthy. You know, chocolate is good - tastes good and even has some health properties - but too much is gonna have just the oposite effect. I believe you should find dog treats for your dog that excite your dog just as much. Good luck - think smart.

2008-11-11 12:19 pm
Im not in favour of giving dogs treats of sugary things.
If it isn't in the normal diet of a dog then it should be regarded as a no no.
Many vets will disagree with me,,, as they sell a lot of these products.
I know its there living.
2008-11-11 12:03 pm
as long as you are not feeding your dog chocolate, grapes or raisins, you should be ok......hopefully
2008-11-11 12:03 pm
yeah probally as long as you brake them in bits its safe for him/her to eat. and dont feed her it to much
2008-11-11 12:02 pm
regale pup is but best.
don't sugar . your get bad eaching
2008-11-11 12:52 pm
I probably wouldn't give my dogs sweets mainly because of the sugar. There are so many other foods you could give as a treat (aside from dog treats) that aren't so high in sugar.
2008-11-11 12:32 pm
I have no idea what you are talking about. What are humbug lollies?

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