I go home. 同 I go to home. 有何分別﹖

2008-11-12 6:59 am
I go home.

I go to home.

回答 (5)

2008-11-12 1:51 pm
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I go home. 同 I go to home. 有何分別﹖

說I go home. 或者I go to home. home 指我自己屋企。
在英文不用寫my own (我自己)。衹寫 I go home.
雖然去一個地方通常要寫go to a place.但去祇有一個的屋企就不需用to, 寫 I go to home是錯的。

除非去的是別人屋企,例如他屋企才寫I go to his home.

2008-11-23 02:34:26 補充:
In reply to answer 004's 2008-11-12 09:57:06 補充:

We do go to someone else's home, eg parents'. relative's, good friend's.
I always go to my mother-in-law's home.
參考: own
2008-11-12 8:09 pm
I go home 同 I go to home.
Ask: Where are you going?
Ans.: I go home (錯). 應是 I am going home.
I go to home (錯). 因為 home is a definition term, is an one & only place, so you don't have to use "to", except you say: I am going to school (can be any school).
Just like the word 'tomorrow', you'll say tomorrow is Monday instead of: tomorrow will be Monday. Because 'tomorrow is Monday' is a definite term, if today is Sunday, then tomorrow must be Monday, and won't be Friday.
參考: self
2008-11-12 5:50 pm
I go home to the coast. It starts to rain, I paddle out on the water alone, Taste the salt and taste the pain. I'm not thinking of you again, ...
i go home/ i'll go home/i'm going home ... yes.
i go to home .. no ( grammartically incorrect ) just plain wrong o(*^_^*)o

2008-11-12 09:57:06 補充:
re: 回答者: eicachan ( 碩士級 3 級 )
"除非去的是別人屋企,例如他屋企才寫I go to his home.".... you would say " i go to his house" or " i go to mantel homes"..haha..think i will soon..........555555
2008-11-12 7:38 am
I am going home. = I am heading home. ( going back to my home)

I go to home<----------- Mistake here*
You can say " I am going to his home." .
2008-11-12 7:13 am
I go 是解我回家。

而I go to home.

因為 "to" 是preposition.

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