
2008-11-12 2:14 am
Rain and hailstone have the same mass, rain hits the car,then come rest, but hailstone hits the car ,then bounce off.
Are the forces exerted by them the same?? Explain.

回答 (3)

2008-11-12 5:11 am
✔ 最佳答案
Rain and hailstone have the same mass, rain hits the car,then come rest, but hailstone hits the car ,then bounce off.
Are the forces exerted by them the same?? Explain
by the 2nd law of Newton, F=ma,
if they are come from the same height and the friction is ignore,
they act the same force to the car.
For raindrop, it is inelastic, so it would not bounce.
For hailstone,it is elastic, so it would bounce.
ps:我無心講d咩,我只想講全英好過中+英^_^ (易d思考)
參考: me
2008-11-12 2:25 am
to 一個人:
the question has already said
Rain and hailstone have the same mass.
2008-11-12 2:22 am
No. By F=ma, they have different mass, so they give different force.
About the bouncing problem, it is about relate to the elastic and inelastic

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