翻譯英文&objective問題. {聽日考lah. 急哇}

2008-11-12 12:51 am
Pieces of writing, pictures left by people in the past are all history because they are records of the life of past people.

They will regard a record as history only when it is true account of what happened. History, in this sense, is a subject for study.

仲有. 我想問. 咩係objective. 咩係subjective. 我知係解客觀同埋主觀. 但係可吾可以比d例子. 同埋具體解釋. 因為我考試可能會出d題目. 係叫你揀返邊句係subjective , 邊句係objective.

希望你地幫我lah. 仲有. 英文翻譯個度. 可吾可以吾好用埋d 0nline 字典.


回答 (2)

2008-11-16 1:41 am
Pieces of writing, pictures left by people in the past are all history because they are records of the life of past people.


They will regard a record as history only when it is true account of what happened. History, in this sense, is a subject for study.

他們將以前紀錄歷史,只有當它是發生什麼的真實的帳戶。 歷史,這樣,是研究的一個主題。


1. 主觀的,主觀上的
This is a very subjective judgement of her abilities.
2. 個人的
3. 【哲】主體的
4. 【心】內省的
5. (藝術上)表現主觀的


1. 主觀的,主觀上的
This is a very subjective judgement of her abilities.
2. 個人的
3. 【哲】主體的
4. 【心】內省的
5. (藝術上)表現主觀的
6. 【文】主詞的,主格的
2008-11-12 1:05 am
前人留下的每張文書和圖片都是歷史, 因為它們記錄了當時人類的生活情況.

他們只會把真實發生過(可追溯和探究)的記載, 算作為歷史. 歷史在這個情況下, 變成為可作研究的一門學問.

2008-11-11 17:08:25 補充:
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