中文譯英文, thx~~~~~~

2008-11-11 11:40 pm
他們需要等歐洲的代理回覆, 應該要到明天上午才能有消息

回答 (7)

2008-11-11 11:41 pm
✔ 最佳答案
They need to wait for Europe's proxy reply, should probably be able to have the news to tomorrow morning .
2008-11-13 6:38 am
They need to wait for Europe's proxy reply, should probably be able to have the news to tomorrow morning
2008-11-12 8:50 pm
他們需要等歐洲的代理回覆, 應該要到明天上午才能有消息 .
They are expecting a solid reply from their agent in Europe, assumed latest by tomorrow morning.
參考: self
2008-11-12 4:59 am
我同個女13歲, 都是用這方法, 一個月減10磅, 三個月減20磅.
個女改善鼻敏感, 流鼻血, 暗瘡少咗, FIT咗, 讀書好咗,
我改善頭痛,胃痛, 暈車浪,植物曲脹, 越來越fit!面色仲好過以前!

一杯營養代餐相當於33種蔬菜, 6種水果, 內含200多種養養素,
100%天然草本素食者亦食用, 蛋白素相等於 5 錢燕窩、2 份蔬菜、1 份水果、1 塊牛扒同半杯鮮奶!

TEL: 93227176 阿紅
2008-11-12 2:21 am
他們需要等歐洲的代理回覆, 應該要到明天上午才能有消息:

They need to wait for Europe's proxy reply, should probably be able to have the news to tomorrow morning.

參考: ME
2008-11-12 12:34 am
他們需要等歐洲的代理回覆, 應該要到明天上午才能有消息
They need to wait for Europe's proxy reply, should probably be able to have the news to tomorrow morning
參考: 我
2008-11-12 12:03 am
They have to wait for the reply from their agent in Europe.
They might have the news in tomorrow morning.

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