help me proofread, a short paragraph!!

2008-11-11 8:16 pm
help me proofread this and rephrase maybe.

When I was young, my dad always read me stories before i went to bed. unlike my friends, their parents read story books to them, my dad read me the stories that he had leared from my grandfather. they were all stories that i couldnt find from story books. even though, he sometimes repeated the same story over and over again, but i was still interested in listening the whole story. Listening stories from my dad was the favourite thing i did in a day. i really enjoyed that. i can remember all the stories that he read to me, they are deep in my memory.

too many mistakes to count. rewrite if needed......

回答 (3)

2008-11-11 9:52 pm
✔ 最佳答案

Not many mistakes! Come on! You did a good job actually.
1) When you use" even though, do not use " but". It is because it is against the rules of English grammar.
2) "repeat" means to do or say things AGAIN here so it is incorrect to say
" He repeated it again/ over and over again.".
3) Listen TO something/someone.
4) Do use " it" to replace " the same story.
I mean you should use pronouns or different words to talk about
something which has been mentioned previously.

Even though/ although he sometimes repeated* the same story*, I was still interested in listening to( it).
When I was young, my dad always read me stories before i went to bed. <---------- Your sentences here.
1) If you change " my dad always read ..." to " my dad used to read",
It will be more natural.
2) " go to bed" is different from" go to sleep" in English.
"go to bed" = to be in bed
" go to sleep" = to fall asleep , really sleeping zzzzzzzzzzzzz.
3) You forgot to use a capital" I" in the second clause.

When I was young, my dad used to read me stories always before I went to sleep.
Listening stories from my dad was the favourite thing i did in a day. i really enjoyed that. i can remember all the stories that he read to me, they are deep in my memory.<----- Your sentence here.
1) Listen TO someone or something.
2) Use a capital " I" as a pronoun.
Listening to dad's stories was my most favourite thing in the past.
I really enjoyed it. I can still remember every single story (that)he used to tell. Each was etched deep( adverb here) in my memory.

2008-11-11 13:53:17 補充:
unlike my friends, their parents read story books to them, my dad read me the stories that he had leared from my grandfather. they were all stories that i couldnt find from story books<- your sentence.

2008-11-11 13:56:03 補充:
Unlike my friends' parents, they mainly grab a book and read it. My dad read me the stories that he had learned from my grandfather.Not even one (that) I could find in any other stories books.
Each was etched deep ( adverb here) in my memory.

2008-11-11 13:56:57 補充:
Don't forget to use a capital " I" as a pronoun! Bye for now.
2008-11-11 8:48 pm
When I was young, my dad always read me stories before I went to bed. They were nothing like fantasy stories from story books, but stories that my father and my grandpa actually experienced. Sometimes, he repeated the same story over and over again, but I still enjoyed listening to it.
參考: by myself
2008-11-11 8:46 pm
When I was young, my dad always read me stories before I went to bed. They were nothing like fantasy stories from story books, but stories that my father and my grandpa actually experienced. Sometimes, he repeated the same story over and over again, but I still enjoyed listening to it. These stories are unforgettable, and they lay deep down in my heart.
參考: me

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