
2008-11-10 9:24 pm

回答 (3)

2008-11-10 10:14 pm
✔ 最佳答案
" were" is the past tense of " are".
They, we , you ------------ were ( "adj" "adv adj" phrases verb ing verb in passive voice prepositions etc)
1) They were very happy at the party last night.( adv then adj)
2) John and Peter were unhappy. ( unhappy= adj)
3) The suspects were(on the run). ( " on the run" is a phrase.)
4) Helen and John were crying. ( cry(v) verb ing Past continuous tense)
5) They were killed in a fire. ( were killed<-------- passive voice)
6) They were at school. ( at = preposition)

Note: We also use" were" in conditional sentences.
1) If I WERE you, I would not help him. He is a bad man.
You just 假想 that****** you would do that if you WERE that person.************
*** You are what you are so you cannot be HIM nor HER.*******
That's why we use a conditional sentence here.

That's all for now.

2008-11-10 14:17:43 補充:
You were being mean to me! <---------------- WERE+being+ adjective

Just to put emphasis on this part. ---------> being mean to me!
2008-11-10 10:21 pm

Yesterday they were shopping in a shopping mall.

多數用在有last Sunday,Yesterday等
參考: me
2008-11-10 9:43 pm
"Were" is the past tense of "are," and "are" is the plural of "is."

Ex. They were still together a year ago. (他們一年前還在一起.)

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