Anyone can help with better English?

2008-11-10 8:06 pm
It is resolved that ABC compnay total loan to XYZ shop HK$9,708,737.86 out of HK$40,000,000 is to capitalize as the XYZ shop capital asset.

我係想話ABC Co. 借俾 XYZ shop 40,000,000 裡的HK$9,708,737.86, 現成為XYZ shop capital.

回答 (2)

2008-11-13 7:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
It is resolved that out of the loan of HK$40,000,000 from ABC compnay to XYZ shop, HK$9,708,737.86 was used as the capital of XYZ shop.
2008-11-10 9:37 pm
Out of the HK$40,000,000 lent to XYZ Shop by ABC Co., HK$9,708,737.86 became XYZ Shop's capital.

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