Solving systems by reducing matricies

2008-11-10 5:08 pm
Are there anyone can teach me how to do reducing matrcies?
Are there any regulations needed to follow?
I am just so confused.
for example
[ 2 3 ]
1 -6
4 8
1 7
Thanks for helping

回答 (2)

2008-11-11 5:38 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Of course, there are methods to solve this kind of problems.
However, it will be difficult to answer your question,
especially when your question is not clear.
I can see that you are so confused that you cannot ask your question clearly.

I think you should look up from textbooks on "elementary row operations".
Just following those steps in examples, you should be able to solve.

After knowing how to solve, we can further discuss on the actual meaning of these row operations/ calculations.

P.S. Is this your question:
(Eq 1) 2x + 3y + z = -6
(Eq 2) 4x +8y +z = 7 ?
2008-11-11 1:32 am
唔係太明你意思……你係想將一個Matrix整做row-echelon form?

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