am i really stress or anxiety?

2008-11-10 3:50 am
ive seen Neuro, ENT, MRI brain, blood test, eye test & i couldnt find out what cause me dizziness. ive been dizziness for more than 6 month & is like 24hours a day non stop. im a 30 years old male. am i stress or what?


回答 (3)

2008-11-10 7:32 am
✔ 最佳答案
Negative emotions (like sadness, stress, anger, etc.) causes your Serotonin production to be low; when your Serotonin level is low, you are more prone to getting Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Depression, etc.

Medication like Antidepressants (SSRI - Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor) helps to boost Serotonin level.
But there are natural ways to do it without medication. There's this herb called "St John's Wort" - it is said to be more effective than Prozac. No, it is not for mild depression only and ignore those sayings. In fact, it does help anxiety and panic-attacks as St John's Wort works like prozac. Other natural ways will be exercise, diet, more exposure to light, etc.
If you're unable to take St John's Wort, you can substitute it with Siberian Ginseng or Licorice Herb.

The problem is that, even if your Serotonin is balanced... you have that "learned behavior" in your mind. You need to break that initial cycle to destroy that learned behavior - Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) does this. A technique that you can use without CBT will be Distraction... There are several other techniques to help cope them!
Ok, to use Distraction: Firstly, try to....

Extracted from Source.
2016-03-19 5:18 pm
First of all you are not stupid. Stress is difficult to deal with. It sounds like you have everything going on in your head at the same time and it is hard to sort it out. I understand how that feels, I was very stressed out for a long time, anxiety was a constant until I felt as if I was losing my mind. Everyone is different, but I will let you know that the best thing that happened to me was when I spoke with my Dr. honestly and let her know how I was feeling. She was able to prescribe an anti anxiety pill that has made a world of difference to me. I am able to concentrate on one thing at a time, most of the time. Sleep is not always easy, but I have a relaxation CD that really helps me to relax and fall asleep. There are many on the market, I suggest that you give one a try. I also think that speaking to a Dr. is a good idea. You deserve to life a life free from constant anxiety and stress. Take a chance, I pray that you will not be disappointed. God bless you and good luck, And again, you are not stupid.
2008-11-10 4:00 am
Try taking an Ativan and see if it subsides.

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