excel problem?

2008-11-10 6:54 am
I would like to change the value in column into rows.
For example,

ROW1 Tom 1 2 3 4 5 6


ROW1 Tom 1
ROW2 2
ROW3 3
ROW4 4
ROW5 5
ROW6 6

Since there are thousand of such kind of records, I would like to make it in anautomatic way by macro or VBA.
Thank you for your help.

Thanks 新田美香, I have to try to record a macro for it, but it seems too complicated for amendment for fitting my task. Any suggestion on the how to write VBA on the issue? Thanks.

回答 (2)

2008-11-10 8:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
Highlight A1:G1
複製 >>
再用mouse 另選其他一個cell, >>選擇性貼上>>轉置(transpose)
n rows 都可以一次過OK

2008-11-10 13:12:57 補充:
先將樣本file發給我看看, [email protected]
2008-11-10 7:02 am
I don't think this is a problem about English language

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