唔該我想要些外國人結婚的Wedding Invitation Card 的 Sample

2008-11-10 5:13 am
唔該我想要些外國人結婚的Wedding Invitation Card 的 Sample


回答 (2)

2008-11-10 9:25 am
您信我用這方法可以幫助您解決身體問題, 碧咸球隊都是用它.
你係咪想型d, fit d又健康d?
我個女13歲, 都是用這方法, 一個月減10磅, 三個月減20磅.
改善鼻敏感, 流鼻血, 暗瘡少咗, FIT咗, 讀書仲好咗,

我做文職, 133磅, 160CM , 用咗簡單經濟又健康既方法!
我用左4個月減左20磅, 改善頭痛,胃痛, 暈車浪, 靜脈曲脹, 越來越fit!面色仲好過以前!

[[ 填完form會有營養顧問免費跟進^^ ]]
我一定可以幫到你姐!TEL: 93227176 阿紅
2008-11-10 7:54 am
Mr. and Mrs. Sean Ormonde
request the honour of your presence
at the marriage of their daughter
Sarah Louise
Derek Wilkenson
son of
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wilkenson
On Saturday the 14th of Feburary 2009
at two o'clock in the afternoon
in the church of Saint Michael the Archangel, Leitrim
and thereafter to a reception at The Hunters Moon, Carrick on Shannon

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